Xinyu Wang 1†Xuke Qiu 2†Mulong Liu 3†Feng Liu 2[ ... ]Peng Xie 2,5,*
Author Affiliations
1 School of Future Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
2 Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, UK
3 School of Science, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
4 Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 999077, SAR, China
5 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore
Mode-locked microcombs with flat spectral profiles provide the high signal-to-noise ratio and are in high demand for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)-based applications, particularly in future high-capacity communication and parallel optical computing. Here, we present two solutions to generate local relatively flat spectral profiles. One microcavity with ultra-flat integrated dispersion is pumped to generate one relatively flat single soliton source spanning over 150 nm. Besides, one extraordinary soliton crystal with single vacancy demonstrates the local relatively flat microcomb lines when the inner soliton spacings are slightly irregular. Our work paves a new way for soliton-based applications owing to the relatively flat spectral characteristics.
ultra-flat integrated dispersion flat spectral profile soliton microcomb 
Opto-Electronic Science
2023, 2(12): 230024
王新宇 1,2,3阳洪 1,2,3宋军 1,2,3
1 中国电子科技集团公司第二十六研究所, 重庆 400060
2 重庆市固态惯性技术企业工程技术研究中心, 重庆 401332
3 重庆市固态惯性技术工程实验室, 重庆 401332
雷达测姿系统实际上是一种惯性导航系统, 长时间未标定会发生加速度计零位变化, 直接影响水平测量精度。针对此问题, 该文分析了系统误差机理及可观测性, 根据实际雷达天线的运动范围, 提出了一种免拆卸加速度计零位基准误差补偿方案。此方案的标定方法简便, 能够有效地识别并估计三轴加速度计的零位误差, 补偿后的动态水平基准精度由2′提升至0.5′, 适合在不方便拆卸的雷达车等大型设备上使用。
三轴加速度计 可观测性分析 免拆卸标定 triaxial accelerometer observability analysis disassembly-free calibration 
2023, 45(3): 471
1 无锡学院江苏省集成电路可靠性技术及检测系统工程研究中心,江苏 无锡 214105
2 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春 130033
为了探究铟原子发生自适应迁移的临界厚度,首先测量得到InGaAs阱簇复合结构表面不同位置的自发辐射光谱。铟原子的自适应迁移会导致阱簇复合结构中同时产生铟含量正常的和损失的InxGa1-xAs区域,进而导致其自发辐射光谱具有特殊的双峰特征。通过对比光谱的双峰强度,计算并评估了正常In0.17Ga0.83As层的厚度起伏为4.6~6.4 nm,即铟原子发生自适应迁移的临界厚度为4.6 nm。通过对比4 nm传统InGaAs量子阱的单峰光谱特征,验证了铟原子发生自适应迁移临界厚度的准确性,该项研究对推动InGaAs阱簇复合量子限制结构的发展具有重要意义。
激光器 InGaAs/GaAs 富铟团簇 双峰光谱 临界厚度 
2023, 43(21): 2114001
Xinyu Wang 1,2,3Yihua Hu 1,2,3,*Xing Yang 1,2,3,**Youlin Gu 1,2,3[ ... ]Peng Wang 4
Author Affiliations
1 Electronic Countermeasure Institute, National University of Defense Technology, Hefei 230037, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Laser Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Hefei 230037, China
3 Advanced Laser Technology Laboratory of Anhui Province, Hefei 230037, China
4 Key Laboratory of High Magnetic Field and Ion Beam Physical Biology, Hefei Institute of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230037, China
Bioaerosols exhibit significant broadband extinction performance and have vital impacts on climate change, optical detection, communication, disease transmission, and the development of optical attenuation materials. Microbial spores and microbial hyphae represent two primary forms of bioaerosol particles. However, a comprehensive investigation and comparison of their optical properties have not been conducted yet. In this paper, the spectra of spores and hyphae were tested, and the absorption peaks, component contents, and protein structural differences were compared. Accurate structural models were established, and the optical attenuation parameters were calculated. Aerosol chamber experiments were conducted to verify the optical attenuation performance of microbial spores and hyphae in the mid-infrared and far-infrared spectral bands. Results demonstrate that selecting spores and hyphae can significantly reduce the average transmittance from 21.2% to 6.4% in the mid-infrared band and from 31.3% to 19.6% in the far-infrared band within three minutes. The conclusions have significant implications for the selection of high-performance microbial optical attenuation materials as well as for the rapid detection of bioaerosol types in research on climate change and the spread of pathogenic aerosols.
bioaerosol optical properties optical materials light-matter interactions Fourier transform infrared spectra 
Chinese Optics Letters
2023, 21(9): 090006
王新宇 1,2,3胡以华 1,2,3,*杨星 1,2,3,**顾有林 1,2,3,***[ ... ]王鹏 4
1 国防科技大学脉冲功率激光技术国家重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230037
2 国防科技大学先进激光技术安徽省实验室,安徽 合肥 230037
3 国防科技大学电子制约技术安徽省重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230037
4 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院中国科学院强磁场与离子束物理生物学重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230037
通过建立具有丰富结构细节的生物颗粒形态模型,利用Kramers-Kronig算法、离散偶极子近似方法和蒙特卡罗算法计算了冷冻干燥和热风烘干两种干燥方法对BB0819生物气溶胶消光性能的影响,并通过傅里叶变换和红外光谱方法分析了由两种干燥方法所得孢子形成的生物气溶胶内部组成和蛋白质结构的差异,进一步解释了消光性能变化的原因。通过气溶胶室实验证明了仿真结果的可靠性,实验结果显示:在中红外波段,选用冷冻干燥孢子所形成的生物气溶胶可在3 min内将平均透过率从11.95%降至9.14%;在远红外波段,选用热风烘干孢子所形成的生物气溶胶可在3 min内将平均透过率从34.38%降至26.03%。研究结果阐明了干燥方法对人工制备生物气溶胶消光性能的影响,为在制备过程中提升生物气溶胶消光性能提供了有效参考。
材料 生物气溶胶 消光性能 散射 吸收 干燥方法 
2023, 43(17): 1716002
上海工程技术大学电子电气工程学院,上海 201620
针对图像超分辨率重建网络因结构冗杂、参数量增加导致的计算量过大、训练时间过长等问题,提出一种注意力引导的轻量级图像超分辨率网络(LAGNet)。LAGNet将随机初始化的自适应权重引入深度残差网络结构,更大限度地利用浅层特征信息。其次,提出注意力引导(AG)模块,该模块使用高效通道注意力(ECA)模块和空间分组增强(SGE)模块双支路并联结构,结合通道间关系和空间位置信息特征,利用注意力引导层动态调整两个分支的权重占比,准确获取高频特征信息。最后,使用全局级联连接,减少网络参数量并加快信息流通速度。使用L1损失函数,在加快收敛速度的同时防止梯度爆炸。在三个基准数据集上的测试结果表明:相比其他网络,LAGNet的峰值信噪比平均提高0.39 dB,模型参数量平均减少24%,加法操作量和乘法操作量平均减少62%;在图像视觉效果上整体更为清晰,细节纹理更自然。
卷积神经网络 超分辨率 注意力机制 数字图像处理 计算机视觉 
2023, 60(14): 1410010
Yang Wang 1,2†Weiqiang Wang 1,5,*†Zhizhou Lu 3†Xinyu Wang 1,2[ ... ]Wenfu Zhang 1,2,6,*
Author Affiliations
1 State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710119, China
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3 Chongqing United Microelectronics Center (CUMEC), Chongqing 401332, China
4 Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
5 e-mail:
6 e-mail:
A high-quality optical microcavity can enhance optical nonlinear effects by resonant recirculation, which provides a reliable platform for nonlinear optics research. When a soliton microcomb and a probe optical field are coexisting in a micro-resonator, a concomitant microcomb (CMC) induced by cross-phase modulation (XPM) will be formed synchronously. Here, we characterize the CMC comprehensively in a micro-resonator through theory, numerical simulation, and experimental verification. It is found that the CMCs spectra are modulated due to resonant radiation (RR) resulting from the interaction of dispersion and XPM effects. The group velocity dispersion induces symmetric RRs on the CMC, which leads to a symmetric spectral envelope and a dual-peak pulse in frequency and temporal domains, respectively, while the group velocity mismatch breaks the symmetry of RRs and leads to asymmetric spectral and temporal profiles. When the group velocity is linearly varying with frequency, two RR frequencies are hyperbolically distributed about the pump, and the probe light acts as one of the asymptotic lines. Our results enrich the CMC dynamics and guide microcomb design and applications such as spectral extension and dark pulse generation.
Photonics Research
2023, 11(6): 1075
于庆南 1,*李可 1王新宇 1吴坚 2[ ... ]李晖 1
1 无锡学院电子信息工程学院,江苏 无锡 214105
2 北京航空航天大学物理学院,北京 100191
3 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春 130033
半导体激光器 InGaAs/GaAs 富铟团簇 偏振双峰光谱 混合能带 
2023, 43(10): 1014006
1 昆明理工大学 信息工程与自动化学院,云南 昆明 650500
2 云南省计算机应用技术重点实验室,云南 昆明 650500
铌酸锂晶体光学电场传感器为全介质结构,具有宽带宽、对被测电场干扰小的优点,但其灵敏度较低。因此,分析了晶体几何尺寸对传感器灵敏度的影响机理,得出通过增加沿外加电场方向的晶体尺寸同时减少晶体横截面上沿外加电场垂直方向的晶体尺寸来提高传感器的灵敏度。使用COMSOL仿真分析了铌酸锂晶体不同厚度、宽度、长度对晶体内部电场强度的影响,得出晶体厚度从15 mm减小到3 mm和宽度从3 mm增加到22 mm时,晶体内部电场强度分别提高约5.1倍和12.3倍;晶体长度从15 mm变化到55 mm时,晶体内部的电场强度变化仅约为5%。设计并研制出晶体尺寸分别为3 mm×3 mm×42.2 mm (x×y×z),3 mm×6 mm×42.2 mm (x×y×z),6 mm×6 mm×42.2 mm(x×y×z)的三只铌酸锂晶体电场传感器,并搭建工频电场测试平台,测试得出三只电场传感器的灵敏度分别为0.243 mV/(kV·m−1)、0.758 mV/(kV·m−1)、0.150 mV/(kV·m−1)。当晶体厚度和长度一定且晶体宽度从3 mm增加到6 mm时,传感器灵敏度提高3倍。当晶体宽度和长度一定且晶体厚度从6 mm减小到3 mm时,传感器灵敏度提高5倍。结合仿真与实验结果得出:在晶体长度一定时,可以通过设计使用宽度更宽、厚度更薄的晶体,研制出高灵敏度的电场传感器。
光学工程 电场传感器 晶体结构 铌酸锂晶体 灵敏度 optical engineering electric field sensor crystal structure lithium niobate crystal sensitivity 
2023, 52(2): 20220370
闫天宇 1,2何颖 1王鑫宇 1,2徐欣怡 1,2[ ... ]陈雪利 1,2
1 西安电子科技大学 生命科学技术学院,陕西 西安 710126
2 西安电子科技大学 西安市跨尺度生命信息智能感知与调控重点实验室,陕西 西安 710126
生物医学工程 荧光显微成像 体积成像 快速扫描 光学断层 宽场显微镜 biomedical engineering fluorescence microscopic imaging volumetric imaging fast scanning optical tomography wide-field microscopy 
2022, 51(11): 20220546

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